Event Summary


What is an Event Summary?

An Event Summary is a clinical document uploaded to My Health Record. It should be used for sharing information about a significant healthcare event that could be relevant to the ongoing care of an individual. For example, it could be about a clinical intervention, an improvement in a condition, or a treatment that has begun or ended. 

Unlike a Shared Health Summary, which is limited to 4 types of data, an Event Summary has a free text section ("Clinical Synopsis Description"), so you can enter a description or paste in consultation notes. 

An event summary can also include:

  • allergies and adverse reactions
  • medicines
  • diagnoses
  • immunisations
  • requests and reports for diagnostic investigations

Here is an example of what an Event Summary looks like (all software displays it the same):


Who can upload an Event Summary?

Event Summaries can be uploaded by any AHPRA registered healthcare provider who is

  • working at a participating healthcare organisation
  • involved in the patient's care, and
  • using conformant software

When do you create and upload?

In general practice an Event Summary is intended for use by healthcare providers who are not the patient’s regular healthcare provider, such as when you see a patient:

  • who does not usually attend your practice including holidaying or transient patients
  • who attends your practice occasionally but might have another regular provider
  • who has no regular provider

In allied health, an Event Summary can be used when consulting with a patient to communicate information about your treatment, findings, and recommendations.

In other healthcare settings, such as aged care, specialists, and community pharmacy, an Event Summary could be used when another document type is not available.


How to create and upload?

As with all My Health Record access, the clinical software must have the individual provider's HPI-I recorded (your software vendor's help desk service will be able to help you with this). Specific authorisation to upload Event Summaries must also be set within the software.

Below are links to summary sheets with step-by-step instructions for different software products:

Visit the Training section in the Using My Health Record article for further resources.

Event Summary and ePIP

For general practices participating in the ePIP, the creation and upload of Event Summaries does not count toward any of your ePIP quotas.

Refer to the ePIP and Shared Health Summary articles for more details on the ePIP requirements.


Do I need patient consent to upload an Event Summary?

No, you do not need to obtain consent from the patient. The My Health Records Act 2012 permits those providing healthcare to individuals to contribute information to their My Health Record. There is also no requirement for the patient to review the Event Summary before it is uploaded.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner states that it is best practice to advise a patient when uploading information to their My Health Record. 


Updating an Event Summary

Once uploaded, an Event Summary cannot be edited. In the case there is an error in the Event Summary, it can be deleted and a new one created.

If there has been a further change in the individual’s health status, a new Event Summary should be created.


Is there an MBS item for creating an Event Summary?

No. However, you can consider the time taken to prepare the summary and if this activity is undertaken as part of providing a clinical service and the patient is present at the time.

In other words, you can claim a longer consultation on MBS if you are writing an Event Summary and it takes longer than your standard consultation.